Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Today Today Today!

Today is the day I leave to head to Mozambique! I can't even describe how I'm feeling right now. It's all so surreal. Two months ago none of this was planned. And now I'm leaving in just two hours! I've really been praying for peace and health and happiness these last few days. No more nerves or bad anxiety. Praying health for my body. I get motion sickness pretty easily and my stomach gets upset a lot. I'm claiming healing for that and that I don't have to deal with it at all this whole trip.

Thank you so much to everyone who has been praying for and supporting me. It means so much to me! I know God has huge plans that I can't even imagine. I have no idea what all He is going to do in and through me over these next few months. I'm so excited I can't even explain!

I fly out of Nashville at 2:30 to head to Atlanta, then from there fly to Johannesburg and stay overnight, then on to Moz! I will arrive in Pemba for Harvest School at around 1:30 pm on Friday the 28th. (1:30 pm moz time, 6:30 am Nashville time) I'll be 7 hours ahead of Nashville time!

Anyway, I just wanted to write one more time before I head out. I will have little to no communication at all the first two months while at Harvest School, but once I get to Tete in December, I should have normal Internet so I will try to update as often as I can!

I love you all and will see you in March :)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Not much time left!

Excitement..... Happiness..... Anxiousness.... Joy.... Fear.... All a mix of emotions going on in my heart right now! Only 10 more days until I step on the plane to go back to Mozambique, again! 

This past week has been crazy trying to get the rest of my stuff together that I need to take with me to moz. I've started packing yesterday and today. I have a feeling I'll be packing and re packing all week long... ;) I definitely got stressed out yesterday just about the stuff I have to take and the whole getting there process. But then Jesus reminded me of the purpose I'm going and that he will take care of all the details. Literally every single one. 

I can't even begin to describe how excited I am to go to Harvest School and then to go to Tete with Pioneer61. My heart is about to burst with happiness! 

This is a short blog, but just wanted to share how excited I am that it's only 10 DAYS AWAY! Jesus is crazy. And I love Him a lot :)