Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Did you know that the battle is already won? I have the victory through Jesus Christ! I have no fear because He is inside of me and He is bigger than the enemy, so why should I be afraid? 

My life back in the States has been super crazy the whole time! Jesus has so poured out His favor on me and has allowed me to travel around and speak at several places and share the testimony of what happened to Me, Nick, and Marlene, as well as the call on my life in missions. Ive been able to be with a bunch of my Harvest School 17 brothers and sisters as well and Jesus did a lot of healing in me through them. So beyond thankful for such a big family through Iris. 

I had the privilege of going to Sarasota Florida to check out the Harvest School that was going on down there, and attended a conference that Mama Heidi and Papa Rolland Baker, Mel Tari, Brock Human, and Jason Lee Jones were leading. God totally set up divine encounters for me that week and I received prayers of impartation and commissioning from all of these incredibly anointed people who the Lord has used to impact the Kingdom on earth in more ways than I can imagine. One day Mama Heidi brought me to a lunch gathering with all of those people and many more amazing people in leadership. I was sitting there having lunch with them and being a family like its normal life, and I'm thinking to myself, "Wow who am I that I get to be a part of this family and do life with these amazing world changers?" I'm only 19 years old and that already happened to me. I can't imagine what the Lord is going to do in and through me in the future!!! It blows my mind to even think about. 

At the conference, the last night, Mama Heidi asked me if I would share my testimony during the service. So I stood up on the stage in front of over 700 people and shared the testimony of what happened to us and that the enemy is not going to stop me. After I spoke, Mama Heidi hugged me and said "Brooke, I'm so proud of you. You have no idea what you just did, you just awakened a whole tribe of laid down lovers to go into the harvest with no fear!!!" That is exactly what happened, too. There have been so many people coming up to me and saying that they know they are called to missions whether across the street or across the world but they have been held back by fear. After hearing my testimony, they all came up to me and said they are going to go into the harvest now and proclaim the name of Jesus with no fear! 

Everything about me is so honored and humbled that Jesus is using me in this way to touch people's lives and to call forth their destinies and callings that Jesus has for them. I'm just one little girl that chose to say yes to Him and to whatever He has for me, and now He is using me in bigger ways that I ever could imagine and this is just the beginning! That's the awesome yet scary part! 

As you all may know by now, I am returning to Tete, Mozambique on May 9 where I will be serving for at least one year. Jesus has been so faithful and has been providing for this trip but since I will be living there with no job, I will need monthly support from people who feel called to sow into the Kingdom through finances. If this is you, I would love to have monthly supporters who are committed to praying and giving however much or however little Jesus tells you to. You can either send checks or cash to my church or donate on my Paypal link on this page. If sending to my church for a tax deductible receipt....
The Nest Church 
318 5th Ave.
Franklin, TN 37064 
Specify for Brooke's missions