Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Face of Jesus

One of my favorite things about life here in Tete is that I get to be a part of breakfast and bible study with our Shekinah boys every morning on the streets. Ms Linda and I have been taking turns leading a devotional with the boys every day. Yesterday I felt that it was important to talk with our boys about respecting others. This is something huge that The Lord has been speaking to me recently so I would love to share these thoughts with you as well...

In Matthew 25:40 Jesus said, “Whatever you have done to the least of these, you have also done unto me.” This simple little sentence has totally changed my way of thinking. I should be treating people as I would treat Jesus. What does that even look like? If someone is sitting next to me who is hungry and I have a piece of bread in my hands, I should look at them and treat them like I would treat Jesus and offer them a piece of my own bread. If Jesus was sitting next to me and He was hungry, I wouldn’t say “Oh I don’t have enough time or money to give you this piece of bread, sorry go get your own.” I feel like so many of us do this to many different people all the time. We are in too big of a rush to get to the next place or save as much money as possible that we miss opportunities to bless people or to see the face of Jesus in them. 

Since I’ve been back in Tete, I’ve been able to see the face of Jesus in different people through my every day life. Sometimes Jesus wants to bless us with a smile from another person, but we are too focused on getting to the next task that needs to be done that we miss it. Most of the time, I think I should be showing other people what Jesus looks like through me, but sometimes Jesus wants to show me what He looks like through the mama sitting on the sidewalk, or the person at the register at the grocery store or the baby in the village with joy all over his precious face. 

How I treat another person should be how I would treat Jesus. I don’t know about you, but this makes me want to show a whole lot more respect and honor to everyone that I see. 

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