Monday, August 19, 2013

New Beginnings...

Well I have some big news to share. I originally thought that I was going to stay in Tete for about a year and serve here and then be launched into the nations and start my own ministry one day. The past few weeks I’ve been praying a lot and feeling like the Lord wants me to take a season back with my family in the States to prepare for what God has next for me. I wasn’t exactly sure when that season was supposed to happen, I was thinking maybe in a few months. But I talked with Nick and Marlene and we prayed for a few days and agreed that the best thing for me to do is to go back to the States right now. The Lord still has a lot that He wants to download in me and teach me before I can be released to the nations. I really want to take this time to prepare and seek God about what my calling is and what steps I need to take in order to fulfill my destiny. 

My heart is so in the nations and in the darkest places of the world, the last thing I want to do is to go back to “normal life” in the States. But I have no doubt that God is wanting me to step into this new season and learn how to be a missionary no matter where I am. When the Lord called me very clearly to be a missionary and to go into all nations, He meant ALL nations. Including the USA. His plans are different from ours most of the time but they are always so much better than we could ever imagine. 

Jesus has already shown me a few this He wants me to do back in the States but I’m just praying about when He wants me to do them. His perfect timing is everything. I don’t want to jump into anything prematurely, I want to really seek God and make sure I’m walking in the fulness of my destiny in the center of His will for my life. 

It’s so funny how we make our own plans and even when they are really good plans, God can still come in and reveal to us something different that He wants us to do. 
It’s going to be extremely hard leaving Tete and our boys here and the amazing missionaries I’ve been serving with. But we all have a peace that this is going to be the best thing for me right now. 

I’ll be going home in about two weeks and I’m looking forward serving in the States in whatever ways that looks like and continuing to lay my life down to further the Kingdom. This is really where I have to take a big step of faith and trust that God’s got the plan for me and I just have to listen to His voice and continue to obey what He says. 

In no way is this me giving up or quitting missions, in fact this is me taking a huge step forward in preparing to get closer to the huge call that God has on my life in missions. I’m excited to see how He is going to use me no matter where I am in the world. 

“May the God of peace equip you with everything good that you may do His will, through Christ Jesus, to whom be glory forever and ever.” 
Hebrews 13:20-21 

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for you Brooke. Learning and applying that your "mission field" is wherever the Lord has put you is something that He is teaching me too. I love you and I'm praying for you. I know it will be hard to leave but I know that He has great plans!
